17 October 2007 | Greg Lloyd Presents "What's Next in Wikis and Weblogs" at NAC Fall 2007

画像Greg Lloyd speaks today at the Network Application Consortium's fall conference on Collaboration Technologies: What Works, Whose is Easier, What's Secure and Where's the Intersection.

Abstract: The capabilities of the simple, time ordered journal that people know as a personal or group weblog (blog), and the simple collaborative page editing model of the wiki will be combined with an equally simple, secure and scalable model that connects working communication within and across persistent groups. Groups include suppliers, subcontractors, professional service providers, resellers, and customers as well as the internal groups that drive the success or failure of every enterprise. Two-way broadcast email will be recognized and become loathed as corporate SPAM - if it isn't already. See Greg's Powerpoint slides (11.7MBytes)

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