2008年7月9日 | SC Magazine - Web 2.0: Enterprise 2.0 に参加しよう

SCMagazine UKBarry Mansfield は、『Web 2.0:Enterprise 2.0 に参加しよう』というタイトルの記事で、次のように主張している。「ただアプリケーションを妨害するだけでは、スタッフが不満を抱き、機会が失われるだけだ。ビジネスはやり方を変える必要がある。」彼の記事は、組織が Enterprise 2.0 のアプリケーションを避けようとする動機よりもむしろ、採用しようとする動機を論評している。さらに、その記事では、Traction の顧客である英国の National Health Service(国民保健機関)の Orkney 管区の例を紹介している。


2008年6月4日 | eWeek - TeamPage、Enterprise Wiki コントロールに対応

画像Clint Boulton は、TeamPage 4.0を論評する中で、モデレーション機能と記事の名前の履歴の利点を強調している。「より多くの見識あるエンタープライズ ユーザーが TeamPage 4.0 を好きになるもうひとつの機能領域は、そのソフトウェアの高度なモデレーション ツールである。・・・これらのモデレーション ツールは、本質的に監査証跡(audit trail)を構成するものを創り出すが、それはほとんどの wiki の編集履歴では望むべくもないものだ。今やそれは、我々がコントロール(統制)と呼ぶものだ。」この記事はまた、英国の National Health Service(国民保健機関)が、「協働的に仕事を進め、そしてあなたの投稿した記事を、他の人々に見えるようにする前に、手直しすることを可能にする」 TeamPage 4.0 の事例を紹介している。
» eWeek 掲載の記事全文

2008 年 1 月 24 日 | Projects@Work - Micro to Macro PM: the Wiki Way

画像今月発行された Projects@Work の記事の中で、ジョーダン・フランクは、Wiki がプロジェクト マネジメントのコラボレーションの中心にどのようにうまく適合するか、あるいは伝統的なグループ スケジューリングおよびリソース マネジメント システムとどのように共存するかを記述している。この記事の中で彼は、プロジェクト マネジメントを推進するのに TeamPage を wiki 流に使って卓越した成功をおさめた 2 つのサイト ShoreBankNational Health Service Orkney を紹介している。
» 記事の全文を読む

2007 年 10 月 2 日 | コラボレーション文化を作る

画像 CIO Today に寄稿されたビル ロバーツの記事は、Enterprise 2.0 ソフトウエアがプラットフォームとして使われているときでさえ、コラボレーションへの企業文化の挑戦が必要であることを詳しく調査している。彼は Saba 社のシニア プロダクト マネージャにインタビューした。同社の Centra Software(後に Saba に買収された)では、顧客と競合企業についての集合的インテリジェンスを利用するために TeamPage が導入された。Saba は関連したグループをまたがって 70 %の採用率、200 名のユーザーにまで到達した。その上彼らは、TeamPage が 2 年以上も、そして Saba が Centra Software を買収したとき、その吸収過程を通じてずっと持続したので、プラットフォームとプロセスが堅固なものであることを証明した。彼らはより上手く運営することを目指してはいるが、それはすばらしいスタートだった。
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2007年 7 月 30 日 | IntranetJournal - TeamPage と Newsgator で使える Web を作り上げる | NHS Orkney

画像このケース スタディは、NHS(National Health Service:英国 国民保健機関)Orkney 管区のコンピュータ プログラマーである David Rendall と、Traction Software 社の Jordan Frank が執筆したもので、TeamPage と NewsGator エンタープライズ サーバーが、NHS OrkneyでエンタープライズWiki、ブログ、そして RSS 技術をシームレスに統合し、「使えるWeb」をどのように形成するかを解説している。NHS Orkney は、従業員数が世界で 4 番目に多い英国 NHS の一ブランチである。


2007 年 3 月 12 日 | BusinessWeek - Wiki に休息はない - TeamPage 導入企業 Enel North America に注目

画像Rachael King が CEO Guide to Technology に寄稿した「No Rest for the Wiki(Wiki に休息はない)」というタイトルの記事によると、集合的な情報バンクを構築するための、これらのオンライン ツールは、企業により深く浸透しつつあり、コラボレーションのルールを書き換えつつある。彼女はこの記事の中で、TeamPage のユーザーである Enel North America 社での Wiki の成功に注目している。Enel North America 社はEnel(EN)の子会社で、再生エネルギーに焦点を置いた公益事業会社である。Enel は世界中で 56,000人の社員を擁する、グローバル 100 社である。


2007 年 1 月 | ブログ と wiki: 準備はできてる?

画像 2007年1月1日: KMWorld の Judith Lamont は、企業がブログと wiki をナレッジ マネジメント、コンテンツ マネジメント、およびコラボレーションに使用することについて書いている。この記事は、ShoreBank が常時およそ 75 もある IT プロジェクトについての情報を伝達し整理するために、Traction TeamPage を使っている状況を紹介している。


October 2006 | SITA: A Case of Limitless Collaboration

画像Marla Misek wrote an EContent case study on SITA's deployment of Traction TeamPage for collaboration across a group of 100 employees on a virtual team, and to build a knowledge base. Raj Vardhan, head of SITA's Sales and Business Development said "We have increased empoyee participation, recognition, and social networking and we've broken hierarchical barriers. Interestingly, its also generated a strong viral effect: we have a number of departments now clamoring for their own access to the platform to foster collaboration. For us, it's real evidence that there was a need for this." » Read SITA Customer Case Story » Read Full Article (Subscription to EContent Required)

August 2006 | Harness the Power of Collaboration

画像By Miya Knights, 15 August 2006 - The market for enterprise social networking software tools is growing, with suppliers such as Traction joining the likes of Socialtext in providing purpose-built tools for organisations that want to replace unstructured communication tools, such as e-mail, with something more sophisticated. They offer the granularity of control and the permissioning and workflow structure of other enterprise-scale software products...


August 2006 | Blogging Your Project

画像Elizabeth Harrin, a senior project manager and writer describes how blogs enable project communication and includes two Traction case studies, August 3, 2006 The ability to share views in real time can also help combat the silo mentality that grows up around projects. A blog is a level playing field, owned by the project, and easy enough to use for everyone to feel they can get involved... early signs are that blogs are a low-cost solution for project managers to improve communication and collaboration on projects. That alone should make them worth investigating further.


Thierry Barsalou, IPSEN CIO, Speaks at Gilbane Conference on Content Management

2006/05/03 · · 投稿者 Jordan Frank

Rod Boothby wrote a great summary of a presentation by Thierry Barsalou (CIO of Ipsen Phamaceuticals) on their Traction driven Enterprise Blog system for Competitive Intelligence. At the 2006 Gilbane San Francisco conference, Thierry reviewed Ipsen's business requirement, technology selection process, taxonomy planning, and path to adoption across all their global offices. He concluded with remarks about using Traction for other collaborative applications such as managing controlled vocabularies (a wiki type application for compliance purposes), project communication and other knowledge management related activities. » View PDF of the full presentation

April 2006 | Wikis and blogs transforming workflow

by Shamus McGillicuddy ... Where e-mail and enterprise content management systems fall short, enterprise blogs and wikis shine as indispensable communication tools. Experts say CIOs should be looking at these Web-based tools not as renegade applications but as lightweight liberators that boost productivity throughout an organization. ...


SITA Gets Traction with Enterprise Blog Software

SITA, the world's leading service provider of IT business solutions and communications services to the air transport community, deployed Traction for Sales Operations, Marketing, Training & Development, Communications, and other functions, enabling users to better categorize and filter content. Departments in Geneva, London, Rome, Montreal, Beirut, Paris, Singapore, Rio, Mumbai, are actively using it to centralize documents, share ideas, collaborate on projects and exchange feedback.


December 2005 | Managing the Knowledge Workforce

画像Jonathan Spira's inspiring new book provides a fresh view of the challenges facing today's knowledge worker and practical strategies to outfit them with tools they need. One case study covers the story of a competitive intelligence group in a Fortune 500 company. They deployed Traction TeamPage enterprise blog software to effectively put "CI in context for decision making" and "provide easy access to information across the busess." The system supports collaboration between 25 people involved in the intelligence process and over 100 decision makers. (Page 141-144)

14 December 2005 | Traction Customer IJIS Named one of Business Week's WebSmart 50

画像The deployment of Traction by IJIS, a membership organization representing information technology companies with the mission of improving information sharing in the Justice community, was recgonized as one of the 50 innovative uses of internet technology in business. Traction was deployed for the IJIS website, partner extranet and staff intranet. Paul Wormelli, Executive Director, said ". "Traction’s solution enabled us to meet all of our collaboration requirements by providing an easy, faster way to notify members, access information and save time working together." » Full Release

December 2005 | Analysis: A "Green" Utility Chooses Blogging for Business

画像by Doug Henschen. The company [Enel North America] initially took advantage of the [Traction] software to deliver basic intranet-type information, including HR policies and benefits, company news and even a monthly company update from the CEO... Work is now underway on a collaborative application for some 30 employees in the business development group who handle due diligence on potential acquisitions. » Read More

November 2005 | Business Week names Traction Customer IJIS to Web Smart 50

画像 This year's Web Smart 50 Named Traction customer Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute (www.ijis.org) as a pacesetter in Collaboration. IJIS uses Traction for their website, partner extranet, and staff intranet. BusinessWeek Reports: The Project: This consortium of tech companies, which supports the Justice Dept., set up a series of blogs to share information among its 16 commitees. The Payoff: About 400 people working on 37 projects now collaborate virtually. One committee cut by half the number of phone and in-person meetings it holds. » Read More (go to Slide 9)

August 2005 | IT Execs Face Need to Link Dispersed Developers

画像Microsoft Delays Team Tool as Users Look to Collaborate - Some users, meanwhile, are ramping up other tools to better manage development teams. TextWise LLC, a builder of text-processing tools in Rochester, N.Y., began using an enterprise blogging tool in April from Traction Software Inc. to replace e-mail threads for collaboration.The TeamPage blog software allows the company's development teams in Rochester, Baltimore, Boston and Syracuse, N.Y., to post design notes and status reports, said Rob Rubin, TextWise's chief technology officer. To date, the company has had 1,200 blog postings, and this month it was able to avoid a 30-day setback to the development cycle because one group noticed a planned testing duplication on the blog, Rubin added. » Read More

1 August 2005 | Order from Chaos Via RSS

画像The Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute, whose members are IT companies that support law-enforcement and Justice Department operations, uses RSS and Atom feeds that came built into its blogging software from Traction Software Inc. to keep committee members up to date on recent developments. 'Some of our more technical committees that had some familiarity with RSS saw immediately how they could use that inside their workspace to provide a publish-and-subscribe capability so they don't have to rely on going hunting to see if there's something new in their committee work,' executive director Paul Wormelli says. » Read More

18 July 2005 | IJIS Institute Gets Traction - Collaboration and Information Sharing-the Next Frontier

画像The Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute (www.ijis.org) deployed Traction TeamPage for their website, working committee extranet, and staff intranet. IJIS Executive Director, Paul Wormelli wrote: There are powerful features of enterprise class blogging software tools that go beyond Machrone's observations and begin to build the basic collaboration and information sharing capability that members of any particular community of interest seek. At the IJIS Institute, we adopted a secure enterprise blogging software package made by Traction Software which we use for multiple important purposes. » Read More

13 June 2005 | Dark Blogs Case Study #1 - A European Pharmaceutical Group

画像From Suw Charman, writer of the Strange Attractor blog on Corante: I'm pleased to announce the arrival of the first Dark Blogs case study (pdf), examining the use of Traction's TeamPage enterprise weblog software for a competitive intelligence project within a large European pharmaceutical group. The case study examines the reasons why blogs where chosen, project planning, implementation, integration with other business systems, editorial process, launch and promotion, training and adoption.


25 May 2005 | Courier turns to blog tools to speed package-tracking

画像 eCourier used the tools to coordinate work among developers in different countries. 'At a cost of roughly $1,000 for a five-person license, the blogging tools from Traction Software more than paid for themselves in travel savings alone,' said Bregman. 'And instead of playing a massive game of telephone [tag] between these [developers], this gave us a source of record between what was being done,' he said. » Read More

20 May 2005 | Enterprise Weblogging: Using Weblogs for Communication and Information Management

画像Slides from Michael Angeles of Lucent / Bell Labs talk at the American Society for Information Science and Technology New Jersey Chapter Meeting. The case study example starting at slide 17 features use of Traction to support world-wide rollout of a major IT initiative. Angeles says (in PowerPoint slide notes): "[Traction] is one of the most full-featured blog systems you’ll find. My client is hoping to convince employees of the effectiveness of this tool compared to the current set of systems with the goal of expanding its use so that communities will start recording and sharing information using blogs." Read More

March-April 2005 | [Traction TeamPage] Weblog Technology for Acquisition Program Management

画像In today’s acquisition environment, rapid sharing of formal project documents and project-related material is necessary, but the bulk of the project life cycle communication currently relies on nothing more than e-mail, corporate or capital knowledge of the project, and an exceptional memory of the progressive information shared at any given time period...


May 2004 | Weblogs Weave a New Communication Hub: U.S. Defense Department tests Web technology for program management tasks

画像Kowalczyk compares the weblog to the introduction of e-mail. “E-mail crossed all venues and is now an integral part of program management,” he says. But the weblog may be a better tool, he adds. “The weblog is a systematic, time-ordered way to look at information from e-mail and from Web sites, with a particular focus on what you are trying to do as an individual. I think it has a lot of power.”



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